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3D Surface Metrology

Optical profilometry

Measure roughness, flatness, waviness, texture, step-height and more

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In-house and on-site testing service

Wide range of testing services done in your facility or in our fully equipped labs for vibration testing, surface metrology, acoustics, speed, and chemical analysis.

Rentals and Leasing

Rentals & leasing

All of our products are available for short and long term rentals and leasing.

Worldwide Sales

Worldwide sales & applications xperts

Our PolyXperts are trained at the highest level to consult and help you find the best solution for your application.

Optical production measuring technology

Non-contact white-light interferometry performs measurements with a vertical resolution of  nanometers or even sub-nanometers. Polytec’s surface measurement systems have become standard tools in the field of industrial quality control. Potential areas of applications are diverse and cover a wide range of surfaces and manufacturing processes. TopMap solutions are ideal from the automotive and aviation sectors, to the semiconductor industry and data storage technology and to biology and medicine. Choose your area now.

Non-contact surface topography evaluation

Characterizing precision-manufactured and other sophisticated engineered surfaces requires a  measurement technology that is reliable, quick and application-oriented. In order to optimize overall product quality and performance, detecting defects and ensuring functionality at an  early stage avoids unnecessary cost and down time. 

Polytec addresses surface metrology applications with innovative, high-precision, non-contact  optical technology that works on rough, smooth and stepped surfaces. The TopMap family of  White-light interferometers are established inspection tools for the quality control laboratory, in manufacturing environments or in-line production setting.


Learn more about our surface metrology for manufacturing 

Why Polytec?

  • Find out what works for you

    Evaluate Polytec’s solution before you make a decision

  • Let our engineers do your measurements

    Experienced application engineers are available to perform your measurement tasks at your facility or in one of our state-of-the-art labs

  • Your choice

    Rent, lease, purchase or use our testing services for short notice, time critical, or occasional measurements


Surface metrology products

Polytec’s optical surface metrology tools are based on the principle of white-light interferometry which is also known as coherent or vertical scanning interferometry. The large vertical range and stand-off and nanometer resolution are perfect for measurement of flatness, step heights and parallelism and much more of large surfaces and structures – on almost all materials.

Surface Metrology Systems


Measurement Services

Technical Service

Learn more about our optical solutions for research & production today